Joe Dassin - Et Si Tu N'Existais Pas...





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Uploaded on Jul 30, 2007

I remember that I couldn't find a nice version of this song... a more "neutral" one.

Juti Szasz Shared on Google+ · 3 days ago
Joe Dassin - Et Si Tu N'Existais Pas... Trés belle melodie, trés belle chanson!
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Lovely song...thank you..nice times for you
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Ngân Hồng Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago
...Sáng ra ngóng bình minh, để rồi khi Mặt trời lên cao lại vội vàng đi tìm bóng râm tránh nắng...^^...Rẽ vào một quán cf nhỏ ven bìa rừng hẻo lánh.. chợt thoáng chút ngạc nhiên khi nghe văng vẳng tiếng nhạc cất lên...quen thuộc, dịu buồn man mác...và gợi nhớ................!
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+Thuy Trang Tran Hè hè...em có kinh nghiệm đầy mình 3 vụ ăn thịt Gừ nên hẻm b giờ lo hóc xương, lo là lo cho Mèo kề, đụng đến Gà là hóc xương...
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+Huyen Tooc gà miềm quá chừng, sao hóc xương đc :))
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Petruta Ivanus Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
Bonne anniversaire, Magali Laüer !!!
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Прекрасна песен за любовта , с поетичен текст ....деликатно  гарниран с едва доловим философски полъх....Обичам деликатните съвършенства...!
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amine ouerfelli Shared on Google+ · 3 days ago
Joe Dassin - Et Si Tu N'Existais Pas... Trés belle melodie, trés belle chanson!
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Nati Ventura Shared on Google+ · 3 months ago
Joe Dassin - Et Si Tu N'Existais Pas...:♥♥♥♥♥♥
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Recuerdos del lejano ayer....cuando pensaba que si alguien no existoera, yo podía perderme sin su presencia...ILUSIONES JUVENILES......
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emy Shared on Google+ · 2 weeks ago
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Romance at its best
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Dassin was born in New York city to American film director Jules Dassin (1911 - 2008) and Béatrice Launer (1913–2005),[1] a New York-born violinist, who after graduating from a Hebrew High School in the Bronx studied with the British violinist Harold Berkely at the Juilliard School of Music.[2] Both parents were Jewish. His father was of Russian- and Polish-Jewish extraction, his maternal grandfather was an Austrian Jewish immigrant, who arrived in New York with his family at age 11.[3]
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I dont love this music X(
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this song can be the happiest or the worst, given the circumstances
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Thanks for this song, the lovely song which was chosen by my husband and me for our wedding!
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Vasil Milev Shared on Google+ · 4 months ago
„Joe Dassin - Et Si Tu N'Existais Pas...“:
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very nice très belle chanson du regretté Joe Dassin
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une belle voix, une belle chanson, c'est grandiose 
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jean renaud
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