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Promotion Académie Militaire, Jan 10, 1945. Graduates of the 1945 class.

Graduates of the 1945 class:
Antonio Doublette, Mores Garcia, Max Buteau, Lionel Honorat, Max Deetjen, Yves Cham, Rene Leon....Charles Turnier, Roger Celestin, Rene Jacques, Roger St. Albin, Marcel Cherubin, Jean Beauvoir, Leo Scott , Roger Alvarez, Joseph Lamarre, Roger Nicolas, Kern Delince, Antoine Telson, Kesner Blain, Nerva Staco, Marc Jn-Baptiste, Mussat Despeigne, Edner Nelson, Frederick Mc. Arty, Octave Cayard, Gérard Pierre-Charles, Silvio Celestin, Frederik Guerrier, Gaston Mangones, Fritz Hodson, Charles Lemoine, Joseph Etienne, Raymond Dulyx, Raymond Oriol, René Michel
— at : Kreyolicious (Photo Credit).
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